Music Ministry
Become a part of our Music Ministry
Music has always played a large role in the history of this parish.
Meet Our Organist and Director of Music Ministry
Rebecca (Becky) Elfman makes her home in Kingston, PA. A native of
California, Becky studied organ, liturgy, piano, improvisation and theology
at Valpariso University, IN, where she earned a Bachelor of Music degree in
Music Composition, studying with Dennis Friesen-Carper, Philip Gehring,
J. B. George, Lorraine Brugh, Joseph Bognar, E. Louise Williams, Frederick
Niedner, and David Truemper. A consecrated Deaconess in the Lutheran
Church, Becky has a deep background in church music, serving as a
church musician for more than 17 years.
Previously, Becky was Director of Music at Grace Lutheran Church, Malverne, NY, and Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, Dallas, PA. She also has significant experience as a teacher. While in the Long Island parish, she taught music in the K-6 church school, serving 120 students. She also teaches privately at her own studio, Mosaic Music, located in Kingston. A talented pianist, Becky serves as an accompanist for vocal students at Wilkes University and Marywood University.
Becky loves everything to do with singing and composing music. As a singer, she performs in Scranton with three distinguished choral groups: Arcadia Chorale, the Marywood University Concert Choir, and Voce Angeli, the latter of which recently premiered her choral work "All the Pretty Horses." She has arranged and adapted many hymns and liturgical music for the Cathedral, composing, also, a commissioned anthem for the 50th Anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of Rt. Rev. Bishop Nowicki..
Becky’s expressed goal is to strengthen and enrich the musical life of the congregation at Saint Stanislaus Cathedral. She is eager to welcome new singers into the Cathedral Chorale and to engage with all musicians who are interested in helping her achieve that goal..
Most recently, Bishop Nowicki appointed Becky to serve as a member of the Music Commission of the Central Diocese of the PNCC.
Previously, Becky was Director of Music at Grace Lutheran Church, Malverne, NY, and Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, Dallas, PA. She also has significant experience as a teacher. While in the Long Island parish, she taught music in the K-6 church school, serving 120 students. She also teaches privately at her own studio, Mosaic Music, located in Kingston. A talented pianist, Becky serves as an accompanist for vocal students at Wilkes University and Marywood University.
Becky loves everything to do with singing and composing music. As a singer, she performs in Scranton with three distinguished choral groups: Arcadia Chorale, the Marywood University Concert Choir, and Voce Angeli, the latter of which recently premiered her choral work "All the Pretty Horses." She has arranged and adapted many hymns and liturgical music for the Cathedral, composing, also, a commissioned anthem for the 50th Anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of Rt. Rev. Bishop Nowicki..
Becky’s expressed goal is to strengthen and enrich the musical life of the congregation at Saint Stanislaus Cathedral. She is eager to welcome new singers into the Cathedral Chorale and to engage with all musicians who are interested in helping her achieve that goal..
Most recently, Bishop Nowicki appointed Becky to serve as a member of the Music Commission of the Central Diocese of the PNCC.

The History of Saint Stanislaus Cathedral's Pipe Organ
Learn the full story about how our pipe organ came to our Cathedral

You are invited
New members are always welcome!
For more information, please contact the Parish Office at [email protected].

Youth Bell Choir

Youth of the parish can participate in this unique music service that performs during Sunday services and other services throughout the year.
Upcoming Events