Stewardship Pledge
Stewardship Pledge
Through God’s abundant gifts, this has been another successful year for the Stewardship Pledge Program at St. Stanislaus Cathedral. Your generous, faithful contributions during one of the most trying years in recent history have helped to support the needs of our Parish and its core missions.
Thank you!!
As you get ready to make your Stewardship Pledge for 2025, please keep our Parish goals in mind:
- Establishing and maintaining a balanced budget that includes the salaries of our clergy and support
staff, utilities, repairs and maintenance of our facilities, supplies, and some needed upgrades. - Supporting our Parish programs, our staff, and our youth.
- Creating programs to invite new members into our Parish.
- Expanding our outreach into the community to assist the homeless, the poor, and those in need of
Every pledge helps St. Stanislaus Cathedral’s commitment to connect, inspire and transform the human race into the human family.
Remember, YOU determine your annual financial commitment to the parish.
ALL contributions to St. Stanislaus Cathedral – either in lump sum at the end of the year or with your weekly white envelopes – are combined to meet your pledge goal.
The first $125 of your contribution supports the Diocese and National Church: the remainder supports the Parish. As you review your current circumstances, would you consider increasing your contribution from last year?
Any increase you can make, even by $1 per week, will be a great blessing in helping our Parish attain its goals.
How to make your Stewardship Pledge
- Begin by downloading and printing out the Stewardship Pledge form using the button below.
- Complete the form. If you have any questions, call our Parish Office 570-961-9231.
- Return the completed form by the date listed on the form to the Parish Office during working hours or after Sunday worship services.
- You can also email it to [email protected].
Annual pledge supports everything we do at St. Stanislaus Cathedral. It is used for maintaining parish daily operations, national and diocesan financial requirements, and continue the mission of the church.
The Pastor
Stewardship Pledge FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
How much should I give with an annual pledge?
We ask each person to consider making a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on his or her financial situation. The Parish Office can provide you with assistance when making this decision.
When do I make offerings towards my pledge?
Many people fulfill their pledge weekly, monthly, quarterly, or even in one payment. However, you may fulfill your pledge in as many payments as you wish throughout the year.
How does St. Stanislaus Cathedral spend the money we give?
Saint Stanislaus Cathedral has ongoing expenses to maintain daily operations at the church. These expenses are labelled as cost centers. Details about these cost centers can be inquired through the Parish Office. A portion of your Stewardship Pledge goes to the funding to cover these expenses. Additionally, the parish is a center for spirituality. Developing a strong spiritual element in our parish also requires funding which will be driven by the member’s Stewardship Pledge.
Why is my annual pledge important?
Annual pledge supports everything we do at St. Stanislaus Cathedral. It is used for maintaining parish daily operations, national and diocesan financial requirements, and continue the mission of the church.
When should I pledge?
We ask that pledge forms be completed and submitted by the assigned date. All following years, pledge forms will be completed and submitted by Dec 1 of that year. Of course, new pledges are welcomed throughout the year.
How can I pledge when I don’t know what I can afford during the next year?
A pledge can be adjusted during the year if your circumstances change. We suggest that you pledge responsibly, based on your best estimate of the year’s income.
What is the Stewardship Pledge Program?
The Stewardship Pledge Program has been created as a financial model that promotes Christian Stewardship (giving), presents a welcoming impression of our Parish, and updates our giving model to keep in step with today’s economic uncertainty and challenges while also maintaining our obligation to the National Church.
Can I Ask You for Assistance?
Yes. You can call the Parish Office during the working hours of 9AM til 4PM, Monday through Friday: 570-961-9231.
- +1 570-961-9231
If you have any questions, please give us a call.
We are available all throughout the week to answer your questions pertaining to Stewardship Pledge